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Thedra Lorraine was born a very gifted young lady with many talents. She is the 4th oldest of 6 children and oldest girl; is the mother of a very active 14 year old and adult 24 and 25 year old. She is a Christian woman that has trusted and lean on her beliefs to propel herself to where she is today. She adopted many of her skills at a very young age and has added new ones along the way. 



Born in a very musically inclined family where all of her family are either singers, musicians, directors, or preachers. the gift of directing forged through. At the early age of 4, her father spearheaded this gift that God gave her and she has been cultivating that gift ever since. Although she is vocally gifted, her passion is teaching and directing choirs. This is one thing that she knows is a gift from God and one she gives all praises for trusting her with it. Not only has she directed many choirs in her career, in March of 2018, she moved forward in her calling and began "The Majestic Voices of Praise Choir".  A Community Choir that will make it's mark in 2019 and for years to come.   



In 2006 she began her entrepreneurial qu​est and started her first business "Lady T's Sewing Spot, where she sewed clothing for many.  From that other businesses formed, like T Allen Unlimited, and then Thedra Lorraine Designs. Because of so many talents, she decided to brand the name "Thedra Lorraine" and house all other business underneath that umbrella.  There you can find; Thedra Lorraine Jewelry Handbags & Accessories which is her very own line; Thedra-Licious Desserts-Online Bakery; Hair By Thedra - Certified Custom Wig Maker & Luxury Human Hair Extensions; Master Steward Financial Services; Thedra Lorraine Graphic & Web (Graphic Designs, Web Building and Web Master); and Live the Blessed Life (Health and Wellness Coach).



​Although she has been through so much in her life... 3 failed marriages with all 3 being abusive in some fashion or another; homelessness; joblessness; all while caring for her children, she is a fighter and has a strong Christian faith. One that has helped her get through the rough times.  Although this is just a drop in the bucket of her testimony, she is the woman you see today.  With the help of God, she pulled herself up on her feet and is striving to be the best she can be, despite the obstacles that she faced.  So when she says "A Multifaceted Woman of God", she means it!  She has been pressed, pulled, and pushed!!! She has been through a process to get where she is today. And because of that process that she has endured, she is now shining and glistening ... like a diamond....MULTIFACETED.  God has blessed her with many gifts and with those gifts she continues to bless others and share her testimony to encourage all.    


If you are going through a storm that you cant seem to see your way out of.  She wants you to know that there is a purpose....God has a plan.  Lean on the Lord and depend solely on him.  Get closer to him and don't give up. TRUST THE PROCESS, and he will bring you out on the other side glistening like a diamond!  



My latest projects


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thedralorraine@gmail |  925-268-8104

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